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Top agile methods: An overview for successful projects
Agile methods are flexible approaches to project management that help teams to adapt quickly to new requirements and changes. In this article, you will learn what agile methods are, why they are so effective in modern project work and which specific methods such as Scrum and Kanban can help you.
How much product discovery is enough?
The topic of discovery is currently on everyone's lips in the field of product development. The times when discovery was often neglected are a thing of the past. Why too much time is sometimes spent in the problem room these days and which rules of thumb really help you to find your customers.
The perfect preparation for the annual meeting as a product owner
As the year draws to a close, Product Owners & Software Product Managers also have the opportunity to review the year. The annual review is an opportunity to reflect and prepare for the annual review. We'll tell you how to make the most of it for your further development as a Software Product Manager or Product Owner and how to prepare for it properly.
Product Manager - CEO Of The Product?
This time, we looked at whether a product manager is the "CEO of the product". In theory, it sounds appealing that as a product manager, we approach the product with the skills and mindset of a CEO. However, everyday life in product development...
UI = UX & other design myths
There are many myths in this world. And they're also around in product management. For example, we regularly hear that UI equals UX, that you need good taste for design, or that user testing only comes after development. This article serves as an informative resource to clear up these misconceptions. But is this really the case?We say no. And what's more: these myths can cost you time and money. We've taken a closer look at these three design myths and will clear them up once and for all.
Product Manager vs. Product Owner
There are few topics that cause as much confusion as the distinction between Product Manager and Product Owner. We'll clear this up for you once and for all and provide clear definitions for both terms. But first of all: the terms are used interchangeably.
PSPO certification: PSPO 1 certification without a 2,000 euro course?
With the Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO 1) certification, you can verify your skills as a Product Owner ✅ Preparing for PSPO 1 in particular can deepen your understanding of the role of the Product Owner ✅ We show you what you need to consider for this certification ✅
Sprint goal: Why do we never achieve our sprint goals?
Many development teams chronically fail to achieve their sprint goals. A clearly defined sprint goal helps the Scrum team to work in a focused and effective way while promoting coordination between team members. Typical symptoms, but also cures for this common disease in product development are not so obvious. We will show you how your team and you can achieve your sprint goals measurably better in the future.
What are the product manager tasks and what are they not?
As a product manager, you quickly realise what your job entails ✅ But what is really your job? What are you really responsible for? We'll answer these questions by looking at what you are NOT as a product manager ⛔️
Scrum Daily Standup: Help, our dailies take forever!
Dailies are an everyday topic in product management. If they work effectively, they are a benefit for the whole team. If not, they become one of the most annoying aspects of everyday life. With structure, good management and a few more tips, your dailies will become more efficient.