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How Solo Entrepreneurs Can Finance the Product Masterclass Through the Kompass Grant Program
Here, we explain how solo entrepreneurs can finance the Product Masterclass with support from the Kompass Grant Program, which covers up to 90% of training costs (max. €4,500) for programs that enhance professional and personal skills. We guide you step by step through the application process, show why the Masterclass is a perfect fit for the program, and answer the most common questions.
What is my task as Product Owner
Unfortunately, it happens all too often that product owners are only used as "requirements translators" for the wishes of stakeholders. However, a product owner does much more: they establish the link between business strategy and product design and therefore have a significant influence on the entire development process. However, the range of tasks is much broader. Today, we explain which tasks you should actually be able to master as a product manager - and in which order you learn these skills in the Product Masterclass!
Help! I'm not allowed to invite customers to a user interview!
It actually sounds like a real no-brainer: product managers want to work closely with their customers. In reality, however, this doesn't always mean that they are actually allowed to talk to them. Find out today how you can approach customers and what you can do if the path to conversations with customers gets bumpy! User interviews are a fundamental method to gather honest and unbiased opinions and should be used together with other discovery methods to get a holistic picture.
Release blocked? Why blockades are your mistake as a product manager and how to solve them
As a product manager, you are responsible for the success of your product. However, there are often internal forces that block progress and make it difficult to successfully bring the product to market or release new features. Today, Sebastian will tell you why it's your responsibility to identify these blockages and what you can do to remove them.
The lean startup method for founders & product managers
Today, everyone in the start-up scene and in start-ups is familiar with lean start-ups. This idea was born over a decade ago and went around the world as a buzzword. This method has changed the way we found companies and build products. The Lean Startup method draws its inspiration from the Japanese automotive industry's just-in-time production system to minimize waste and optimize processes. In this article, you can find out what this method is all about and how you can use it for yourself as a product owner or product manager.
Why developers hate meetings
Did you know that meetings are a horror for many developers? Sure, they are usually necessary to create structure and solve problems. However, they can also quickly be perceived as a waste of time. So today, we're looking at the reasons why developers typically feel an aversion to meetings.
Technical debt: How to deal with it as a product owner
As a product owner, you are responsible for the successful development of your product. You may have consciously or unconsciously entered into technical debt yourself. But have you also thought about the consequences? In this article, you will learn what technical debt is and how to deal with it.
Outcome vs Output - Escape from the Feature Factory!
You may have noticed recently that the difference between output and outcome is on everyone's lips in product management. So today, let's take a look at what exactly the two terms mean and how you can improve productivity by being aware of this topic.
More effective meetings with shuttle diplomacy
Many product owners are familiar with this situation: you have a heated discussion in a meeting with stakeholders, but you can't come to a conclusion. Everyone sticks to their point of view and nobody wants to move away from it. In this situation, shuttle diplomacy can help you...
Why is there no product discovery in SCRUM?
It is now clear to many that successful discovery is crucial for a successful product and product development. Many teams incorporate discovery into their process as the cornerstone for a validated backlog. Today we take a look at why SCRUM does not mention the topic of discovery, but why it is important to include it.