The Human Side of Digital Transformation

The increased complexity and interconnectedness of the digital world brings massive amounts of uncertainty to the business community. But the way we’ve traditionally managed companies is based on the simpler, assembly-line constructs of the Industrial Age. But we’re not in the Industrial Age any longer.

Company leadership and employees require a new mindset – one that can match the speed and agility of today’s economic activity, while solving real-world problems that benefit us all. Brant’s talk charts a path forward to creating RAD organizations: resilient to endless disruptions, aware of changing customer needs, and dynamically able to change course to create real value.

Based on his 5Es of the RAD mindset, empathy, exploration, evidence, equilibrium, and ethics, attendees will receive inspiration and practical, actionable advice on how to kick-start and accelerate meaningful change inside their organizations.

Brant will attend via conference call.

Virtual Keynote
Onsite Talk
To be announced

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Summary & key takeaways

Brant Cooper

Brant Cooper is The New York Times bestselling author of The Lean Entrepreneur and his new popular book Disruption Proof. He is the CEO and founder of Moves the Needle. He is a trusted adviser to startups and large enterprises around the world.
With more than 25 years of expertise in changing industrial age mindset into digital age opportunity, he blends agile, human-centered design, and lean methodologies to ignite entrepreneurial action from the front lines to the C-suite.

As a sought-after keynote speaker, startup mentor, and executive advisor, he travels the globe sharing his vision for reimagining 21st century organizations. Bringing agility, digital transformation, and a focus on creating value for customers, he helps leaders navigate the uncertainty brought on by increased complexity and endless disruption.